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Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) follows a fully open access publishing model, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. All articles published in our journals will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone. This is made possible by an article processing charge (APC) collected from authors' institutes or research funding bodies to cover the costs associated with various publishing services:
Editorial Work
This includes peer review, administrative support, content commissioning, and journal development.
Technical Infrastructure and Innovation
This involves the development, maintenance, and operation of our online journal systems and websites.
Article Production
This process includes the formatting and markup of articles and their inclusion in indexing services.
Ensuring that readers and authors are aware of the work published in our journals is crucial, hence marketing is a key component of our expenses.
Customer Service
Our team is always ready to respond to authors and readers, maintaining a high standard of customer service.
The amount of the APC varies depending on the journal in which the article is published. Some journals may have higher APCs due to the volume of submissions they receive.
SciencePG is committed to making publication costs as clear as possible. Therefore, each journal's APC is transparently displayed on its website.
World Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (ISSN Online: 2994-7332) is an open access journal freely accessible on the Internet. With open access, SciencePG enables journals to disseminate knowledge more widely and at a lower cost than before. However, in order to cover the editorial services and production of articles, the journal charges an Article Processing Charge (APC).
The Article Processing Charge for the journal is 970 USD.
Journal Title | ISSN Online | Article Processing Charge |
World Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology | 2994-7332 | 970 USD |
If you don’t want your paper to be published in this Journal, the following journals are also for your reference:
Journal Title | ISSN Online | Article Processing Charge |
American Journal of Plant Biology | 2578-8337 | 1070 USD |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | 2328-5648 | 1070 USD |
American Journal of Life Sciences | 2328-5737 | 970 USD |
International Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2640-1312 | 970 USD |
American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | 2330-8591 | 970 USD |
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences | 2469-7885 | 970 USD |
International Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2575-3843 | 970 USD |
Plant | 2331-0677 | 870 USD |
Research & Development | 2994-7057 | 970 USD |
To view all journals' APC, please click here.
Automatic discounts are given to authors from low-income countries or lower-middle-income countries (classified by the world bank, learn more, click: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups ).
Waivers may be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the quality of the research article and the authors' financial need.
The standard length for an article typically falls within the range of 4 to 25 pages. For articles that exceed the 25-page limit, an extra charge of 50 USD per additional page will be applied for each page beyond the initial 25 pages.
Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified about the payment issue. The charge is typically covered by the author, funder, institution, or employer.
The corresponding or submitting author needs to arrange payment of the article processing charge unless a waiver has been granted. Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance in principle, the article processing charge becomes payable and formatting checks on the manuscript will commence. Once formatting checks are completed, and payment of the article processing charge has been received, the article will be published.
SciencePG currently supports the following payment methods:
PayPal |
Debit or Credit Card |
Wire Transfer |
Organizations, including institutions, funders, societies, and various entities worldwide, have implemented Open Access (OA) mandates, which serve as directives or requirements for their associated authors. These mandates serve to promote and enforce the practice of freely sharing research findings and data with the public.
To provide transparency and information on open access mandates and policies, the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP) offers a comprehensive and searchable database. For more detailed information, we invite you to visit the official website of the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP).
Through the adoption of OA mandates, funding support, and participation in programs like ROARMAP, SciencePG aims to facilitate the widespread availability of research findings, enhance collaboration, and promote the exchange of knowledge for the benefit of the global scientific community.